23 March 2023

Women in Tech Excellence Awards

If you work with women in the tech industry who should be rewarded for their hard work, we want to hear all about it!

The Women In Tech Excellence Awards are important as they recognise top-performing women from across the technology space and provide inspiration for younger people looking to build a career in our industry. They are designed to help move us as an industry towards a solution where women are under-represented, by recognising and promoting many talented women and other success stories. There are places in IT for women, and this industry can lead to rewarding, fulfilling careers for everyone. The challenge of increasing diversity in IT is now firmly on the agenda across the UK, but it is far from a solved problem. Women are still under-represented across the industry, especially at higher echelons, and they’re also likely to be paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. The issue extends right through the career ladder, starting in schools where education institutions report little to no growth in the numbers of women taking STEM subjects. More needs to be done to encourage female IT leaders of tomorrow.

These awards are in their seventh year and have already celebrated the achievements of over 1,800 women, in front of over 2,700 people. And they don’t just shout about their success at the awards themselves, they also publish videos, galleries and articles from the event on Computing, to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people can see for themselves the talent that’s out there.

Nominations by 24th April 2023
Award ceremony: 23rd November 2023
Venue TBD, Central London
Free to enter (three nominations max)
Women In Tech Excellence Awards 2023 (womenintechexcellence.co.uk)

Spotlight your company’s achievements. Reach out to GoRefCo. We’d be delighted to help.

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